Safeguarding adults and children means helping adults at risk and children live free from abuse and neglect. Children may be at risk of neglect, physical, sexual or emotional abuse. Adults at risk are people who are vulnerable because of their mental health, physical disability, age or illness and have care and support needs. They may find it difficult to protect themselves from abuse because of their care and support needs.
The Think Family approach to safeguarding is founded in strengths-based practice and continues to be endorsed in order to improve local systems to meet the needs of children and young people. It places emphasis on the integration of adult and children workers to address the needs and safety of all family members by building their resilience; and promoting family knowledge and engagement in reducing risk.
Anyone who is concerned that abuse or neglect may be taking place or feels they themselves are at risk, should seek help, even if the circumstances may appear trivial or small.
If you think a child is in immediate danger, don’t delay and call the police on 999.
If you are concerned that a child is at risk of abuse or neglect, or to ask for help or advice, contact the borough the child is resident in.
Safeguarding children - London Borough of Bexley
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