Member events

As a member you will be invited to a range of events throughout the year to keep you involved and informed.

Upcoming events

Adult Eating Disorder Services Quality Summit - Thursday 27 June

This public co-produced partnership event is open to anyone with an interest in improving services and support for people affected by eating disorders. 

Join the virtual session on Thursday 27 June 1.30pm — 4pm to hear from people with lived experience and staff about their Lived Experience Partnerships:

  • In developing and delivering adult eating disorder services in South London
  • In care, treatment and beyond…
  • In the quality assurance of Adult Eating Disorder Services in South London & raising awareness of eating disorders.

Brought to you by:

  • South London Mental Health and Community Partnership (SLP)
  • South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM)
  • South West London & St George’s NHS Mental Health Trust (SWLStG’s)
  • Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust (Oxleas)


Council of Governors' meetings

Our Council of Governors' meetings take place quarterly. 

Please contact us on 01322 625752 or email

Opportunities to get involved and have your say

Supported by our governors, our focus groups give members the opportunity to improve our services by having a say on a range of topics affecting our patients and visitors.

Our members can get involved through our wider Involved programme, with invitations to participate in key workstreams, service developments, interview panels and through sharing their lived experience with Oxleas staff and partners. Sign-up to our Involvement Register may be required.

We also promote external opportunities for people to get involved in projects, plans and developments with partner organisations and from across our South East London Integrated Care System.

Annual Members’ Meeting (AMM) 2022

Our Annual Members’ Meeting is our official end of year meeting where we review the year, our plans and future developments. This year’s event was held face to face in public with key speakers who include our chief executive and lead governor.

View a showcase of our Annual Members' Meeting 2022 below:

Oxleas NHS Annual Members' Meeting 2022 from Oxleas NHS on Vimeo.

View our Annual Members' Meeting Q&A session here:

Showcase events and exhibitions

We hold events to exhibit and showcase our work and promote opportunities to get involved.

Our workshops, run by our health professionals, help you make better decisions about your health and to give you the knowledge about health-related topics.

we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care

we are kind we are fair we listen we care