Policies and procedures

All of our published policies and procedures are listed. See our policies and procedures information below on how to get copies of our publications. For further information please contact our Information Governance Team via email: oxl-tr.foi@nhs.net.

You can also request information under the Freedom of Information Act. Please contact our Freedom of Information Team via email: oxl-tr.foi@nhs.net. Find out more below.

Our patients also have a right to confidentiality and this this is very important to us. We have a Caldicott Guardian, who is a senior clinician with responsibility to ensure the protection of patient confidentiality throughout the trust in accordance with your legal rights.

Our policies and procedures

Current written protocols for delivering our functions and responsibilities.

If you would like a copy of a policy from the Policy List below, please write to:

Information Governance
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
Bracken House
Bracton Lane
Leyton Cross Road
Kent DA2 7AF

or email oxl-tr.FOI@nhs.net stating which policy you require.

View our latest policy list here:

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

Under data protection legislation we are required to explain why we collect information about our service users and patients, how we intend to use that information and whether we will share it with anyone else. Please see our privacy statements below.

The South East London Integrated Care System (ICS) data services bring together important health and care information into a single place, organise that information and make it available to appropriate health and care professionals.

View the SEL Data Service Privacy Notice here.

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act (2000) allows you to request information we hold.

Our Freedom of Information Policy illustrates our procedure for dealing with information requests. You can make an information request under the general rights of access to information by writing to the Information Governance Office at the address below or email: oxl-tr.FOI@nhs.net

Information Governance Office
Bracken House
Bracton Lane
Leyton Cross Road
Kent DA2 7AF.
Tel: 01322 299858

We will respond to your information request within 20 working days. Sometimes, some or all of the information requested cannot be provided. We will explain the reasons why not when this happens.

Charges made by us for routinely published material will be justified and kept to a minimum. Statutory charges may apply to specific types of requests and will be requested prior to the provision of the information. Material which is published and accessed on this website will be provided free of charge.

Please see our information leaflet:


Governance ensures systems are in place across the trust. It supports the trust's membership, Board of Directors and the Council of Governors and deals with compliance returns and risk management.

Contact Governance via email: oxl-tr.governors@nhs.net, call the Trust Secretary's Office on 01322 625752, or write to the Trust Secretary's Office, Pinewood House, Pinewood Place, Dartford DA2 7WG.

Tenders and contracts

We are responsible for buying (commissioning) healthcare services from other providers to meet local health needs.

This commissioning process involves contracting with existing service providers and can include competitive tendering.

As commissioners of healthcare services we have a clear responsibility to make sure we make decisions and commission services fairly and openly, to get value for money.

Tenders, including adverts and other contracts available for public tender are in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEC). You can subscribe and see more information on the OJEC website.

Additional information may be made available on request – however, details of individual bids while a tender is being processed will be refused if it would damage the commercial interests of anyone.

Accessible Information Standard

We are always looking for ways to make our website as accessible as possible for everyone who uses it and are committed to ensuring it is accessible to all Accessible Information Page

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we are kind we are fair we listen we care