Families, friends and carers provide vital support to those with long term health conditions, mental health problems, learning disabilities, addictions and more.
We value the importance of this and recognise that caring can be a rewarding, but also sometimes difficult role and we are here to support you and your wellbeing.
Carers play an important role in the support and recovery of people with an illness or disability and have recognised legal rights.
As a carer you are entitled to an assessment of your own needs, which does not judge your ability to care but is a chance to consider your needs. You also have a right to your own care plan, reviewed annually.
In addition to these statutory rights, at Oxleas NHS we also want our carers to feel recognised and supported in their role. Our Carers’ Charter details what families and carers can expect from us, including:
Carers can also claim certain benefits such as carer’s allowance if the following applies:
Further information is available on the Benefits for Carers section of the NHS Choices website.
As a carer you should be given the contact details of the team providing care to your family member or friend, and the name of the person responsible for their care.
If you don’t know who to talk to, check out our Services directory or contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Services
We share as much information as we can about the person you care for. We also welcome any information you can share with us.
The way we share information between service users, carers and staff is based on:
If you and the person you care for have different views on what you need to know we will work through this with you. We have a duty of care to both you and the person you care for.
To find out more, see our confidentiality and sharing information with carers information.
As a family member carer you may also be the nearest relative and have rights should your relative be detained under the Mental Health Act 1983.
An approved mental health professional will look at the circumstances and decide on who this person is from the patient’s close relatives or partner.
If you provide care or support to a friend or family member, our Carers Charter means:
We know the most important thing we can offer carers is good quality care to the people they care for, but it is also essential that we listen and work alongside carers.
Our Carers Strategy 2019-2022 sets out our priorities for the next three years and is a renewed statement of our previous commitment to families and carers.
Our current strategy can be viewed in our online strategies library.
Caring can be rewarding but it can also be very challenging, so it is important that you make time for yourself and access help if you feel you need:
Carers services can be a lifeline for carers who have difficulty coping. There are both local and national organisations that can offer information, support, advocacy and help to access benefits.
Each borough has a dedicated mental health carers’ support worker, and Oxleas also has a trust-wide Carers' Lead. Any of these workers can be contacted for information, advice and support.
In Bexley
Dee Phillips, Carers Support & Wellbeing Worker
Mind in Bexley and East Kent
Email: deephillips@mindinbexley.org.uk
Tel: 020 3912 0030
M: 07496 443402
In Bromley
Lucy Blake
Bromley Well
Email: lucy.blake@blgmind.org.uk
Tel: 07709 520029
Bracton Centre
Dr Michelle Clark
Email: michelle.clark22@nhs.net
Tel: 01322 297175
Carers UK campaign for carers’ rights and benefits and has a range of leaflets on carers rights and benefits which can be downloaded from their website. It also provides training for professionals who work with carers.
Carers Trust is a national organisation that provides help and support to carers. It has local carers support branches in most parts of the UK.
Carers Support Bexley is a branch of Carers Trust that provides information and support for carers living in the Borough of Bexley. It also provides respite services to people who have a health problem.
Greenwich Carers Centre is a branch of Carers Trust that provides information and support for carers living in the Royal Borough of Greenwich. It also provides advocacy service and counselling.
Carers UK Digital Resource brings together a number of digital and online resources to help provide comprehensive information and support for carers.
View more of our strategies in our Oxleas Strategies Library: https://www.oxleasstrategies.com/
we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care