You can contact us, provide feedback on our services and request information.
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, or need help now, call our 24-hour mental health crisis line on 0800 330 8590 or see our help in a crisis information.
If you require medical advice, please contact your GP in the first instance. If it is urgent, dial 111 to speak with a trained medical advisor. For immediate medical attention, attend your local Urgent Care Centre, A&E or call 999.
Our head office address is:
Pinewood House, Pinewood Place, Dartford, Kent, DA2 7WG
Tel: 01322 625700
Satnav users please use postcode DA5 2DX.
You can contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on freephone 0800 917 7159 for advice and information and to raise a concern or complaint, email: oxl-tr.pals@nhs.net.
For formal complaints, email: oxl-tr.complaints@nhs.net
The feedback we receive from people who use our services, and their carers, family and friends is really important to us and helps us to shape our services. Email: oxl-tr.pals@nhs.net
Our latest jobs can be viewed via our website work for us pages or call our recruitment team on 01322 625900.
Join our Oxleas family by becoming a member – there are lot of opportunities for you to get involved. For further information please see our get involved pages or email the membership team: oxl-tr.foundationtrust@nhs.net
We have lots of ways for you to get involved. Find out more about our opportunities on our Get involved pages (as link).
Our team of volunteers are invaluable to us. Find out about our volunteering opportunities on our volunteer services pages. Email: oxl-tr.volunteeringservices@nhs.net
Please contact our Communications Team by emailing: oxl-tr.communications@nhs.net.
To apply for a reference, please email: oxl-tr.hrgeneralqueries@nhs.net
To make a Freedom of Information request, please see our Freedom of Information page. Email: oxl-tr.FOI@nhs.net
For access to healthcare records, please see the Your Information page. Email: oxl-tr.igteam@nhs.net
All of our published policies and procedures are listed. For further information please see our policies and procedures page, or email our Information Governance Team via email: oxl-tr.FOI@nhs.net
we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care