We have an exciting opportunity for graduates to start their career journey as part of the third cohort of our popular Graduate Programme.
We’re looking for people who are about to graduate or have recently graduated to start their career journey with us at Oxleas in the autumn.
The 2024 cohort of Graduate Healthcare Workers will work within our teams across Bexley, Bromley and Greenwich in south east London. The programme lasts for two years and is paid at Band 4.
“This scheme has been exactly what I needed as someone who has just graduated and needed to have this time and experience and support. I have been able to learn and grow, as it has been ok if I don’t know stuff.”
2022 Graduate
We’d love to hear from graduates who:
We have a variety of opportunities across Children and Young People services, Community Adult Learning Disabilities, Acute and Crisis Mental Health services and Adult Community Mental Health services. Most roles are patient facing.
“Oxleas is about improving lives and this is a hugely rewarding opportunity. We are proud to support over 2,000 people at any one time with their health and strive for them to be provided with great care. We want to make the most of the skills and talent graduates can offer and would love for them to come with us on this journey and make a difference to peoples’ lives."
Rachel Evans, Director for Strategy and People
Do you have a question regarding the scheme? If so, the answer may be here:
We recently held an information session on Microsoft Teams and the recording is now available to view:
You can also watch the session at https://vimeo.com/oxleasnhs/graduate-2024
Our staff provide NHS services in south east London, Kent and in prisons in south west England. We specialise in community health, mental health and learning disabilities services.
Our 4,000 members of staff work from a range of locations, including clinics, schools and in people's homes.
We support our staff to develop, have excellent access to technology and have great opportunities for career progression and flexible working.
We will only deliver outstanding care to our patients if we take the best possible care of our staff. We want our people to be given opportunities to develop and thrive and to feel supported to give their best every day. We want every person in Oxleas to be treated kindly, fairly and with care. The wellbeing of colleagues is really important to us.
We are committed to equality for all our staff, including around race, sexual orientation, disability and gender identity. We take equality and diversity seriously and have five active networks for staff which are voluntary - BAMEx, LGBTQ+, disability, mental health including neurodiversity and women’s.
We have completed the second year of our Building a Fairer Oxleas programme, which is making positive changes to how it feels to work at Oxleas. The initial focus has been on making recruitment and career progression fairer and improving cultural understanding.
You can find out more information about this programme here.
Visit The Funding Clinic for funding information for studying nursing, midwifery and the allied health professions in England.
Enterprise Act 2016
We now offer a wider range of apprenticeship opportunities and have developed plans to increase both clinical and non-clinical apprenticeships in line with our workforce skill requirements. We presently offer apprenticeships from level 2 to level 7 available to all of our employees who meet the minimum standards required of the apprenticeship programme.
COVID-19 and vaccination
We continue to encourage all prospective employees to engage with the vaccination programme and ensure they have been double vaccinated and received their boosters.
More information on the Covid 19 vaccination can be found at Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination - NHS
Our innovative Shadow Executive has brought a fresh perspective to the leadership team at Oxleas as well as offering a great development opportunity to participants.
They take discussions in a different direction and the overall approach to our strategy and business has improved as a result.
The Shadow Executive are closer to day-to-day frontline clinical and business roles and also have a different perspective on work, wellbeing, and employer/employee relations.
Download the case study to find out more about our Shadow Executive and the benefits to the organisation and the participants, and watch our short film to hear from some of the current members of our Shadow Executive.
Our Shadow Executive from Oxleas NHS on Vimeo.
Our Shadow Executive from Oxleas NHS on Vimeo.
INTRO: Our volunteers support and enhance our services at Oxleas NHS. We are supported by around 250 volunteers every year, from all walks of life, who bring their own skills, experience and passion to what we do.
Our volunteering opportunities are open to all members of the public, service users and carers. To view what is currently available, link through to our ‘latest jobs’.
Find out more about joining our volunteer family here.
Our Volunteer to Work (V2W) scheme is for service users with a current care co-ordinator or key worker and provides an opportunity for a 12-to-18 month placement within our services.
Our aim is to help our service users back into employment by giving them the ability to regain their office based skills, increase in confidence and self-esteem.
Working hours are slowly built upon as you progress through the placement depending on whether part or full time work is required on completion. You are supported throughout the process and have access to training.
After three months a reference from Oxleas can be provided.
If you or someone you know is interested in this scheme, find out more by getting in touch.
Call 0208 201 9404 or email Debbie Goodson: Deborah.goodson@nhs.net
Please see our Volunteer to Work leaflet here:
Oxleas NHS has joined a wave of Veteran Aware trusts who are working hard to improve care for our Armed Forces community.
The Veteran Aware Trust accreditation has been made by the Veterans Covenant Healthcare Alliance (VCHA) in recognition of our commitment to improving NHS care for veterans, reservists, members of the Armed Forces and their families.
It acknowledges our commitment as a trust to a number of key pledges, including:
We also strive to work effectively with the Armed Forces as an employer by supporting reservists with their training commitments and promoting involvement and career opportunities with the veteran community. For our work in this area, we have received a gold award in the Employer Defence Recognition Scheme.
Our annual Recognition Awards recognise the efforts and achievements of our dedicated staff.
For the first time in a few years, we were able to meet and celebrate 2022’s achievements face to face at the fabulous Woolwich Works venue in Woolwich Arsenal.
Hosted by Chief Executive Ify Okocha, Chair Andy Trotter and Medical Director Abi Fadipe, fantastic applause greeted all our winners and highly commended teams and individuals as they took to the stage to collect their certificates and prizes.
Our winners:
HMP Wandsworth
Forensic and Offender Healthcare Services
Bexley Memory Services
Adult Community Mental Health Services
Community Pressure Ulcer Panel
Adult Community Physical Health Services
ALD COVID Vaccination Team (Bexley and Bromley)
Adult Learning Disability Services
GSH Central and Community Gynaecology Admin Team
Children and Young People’s Services
Barefoot Lodge Team
Adult Acute and Crisis Mental Health Services
Building A Fairer Oxleas (BAFO)
Corporate Services
Agnieszka Malinowska
Governors’ Award
Fananidzai Hove
Shadow Executive Award
Congratulations also to our highly commended teams and individuals:
CAMHS Dialectical Behaviour (DBT) Team
CAMHS Non-violent Resistance (NVR) Team
HMP YOI Isis Healthcare Team
Medway Prisons Pharmacy
Armed Forces Champions
Bromley Primary Care Mental Health Practitioner Team
Bexley Podiatry Team
Greenwich Twilight District Nursing Team
Greenwich and Bromley ResearchNets
London SE Therapy Team, Bromley College
Health Based Place of Safety Team
Mental Health Crisis Line Team
Complaints and PALS
Queen Mary’s Sidcup Pharmacy Team
Lalita Chuttoo
Richard Murison
Oonagh Jones
Olufemi Olabintan
Watch our showcase film here:
2022 Oxleas Recognition and Long Service Awards from Oxleas NHS on Vimeo.
we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care