Why not join our Council of Governors by standing as a governor in our annual elections?
If you are a member, you can apply now for a number of vacancies, including in our service user/carer, public and staff constituencies.
Being a governor is a great opportunity to gain a unique insight into how Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust operates and decisions made. As a Foundation Trust we're accountable to our local communities through our membership and our Council of Governors (Governors are elected members).
You have the opportunity to help shape our services, work alongside our service users, carers, staff and partners and hold us and the trust’s non-executive directors to account and represent the interests of our members and the public.
To find out more about the governor role, view our Governors' Election Pack. If you would like to speak to us, please call 01322 625752.
If you would like to find out more we have two opportunities for you to join an online chat with us.
They will take place on:
Now is a great time to get involved with us by standing as a governor in our Council of Governor elections 2024.
We're looking for people with a passion for healthcare to join our Council of Governors and help us to improve the lives of those we care for.
This year, we have vacancies in the following constituencies:
Service User/Carer Constituencies
Bexley Adult x 1
Bromley Adult x 2 (1 x 2 year term)
Greenwich Adult x 1
Carers x 1
Children x 2
Learning Disabilities x 1
Public Constituencies
Bexley x 2
Bromley x 2
Greenwich x 1
All 3 year terms of office unless otherwise stated.
How to apply
All staff eligible to stand will be contacted by Civica Election Services (CES) directly.
You can also find out more information about the governor role and get a nomination form, by contacting:
Online: www.cesvotes.com/oxleas2024
Telephone: 020 8889 9203
Email: ftnominationenquiries@cesvotes.com
Post: CES, The Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, London N8 0NW
Applications are open until 10 June 2024.
For more information: Notice of Election 2024.pdf[pdf] 204KB
As a governor you can be involved as much or as little as you like. However, you are required to commit to attending our council of governors meetings four times a year.
Through our membership we want to involve a wide range of people in our communities to develop and improve our Oxleas' services. As governor you will play a key role in this process.
People will also have a voice in wider discussions about local NHS services through our involvement in the South East London Integrated Care System (ICS).
Tina Strack, Service User/Carer Governor for our Bexley Adult Services says:
"The great thing about being a governor is that you get to use your personal experience of NHS care in helping the health service improve. Oxleas is great at listening to feedback from governors and I have found it to be an incredibly worthwhile experience. I would say to anyone who is interest - give it a try!"
Statutory documents required for elections:
Useful information:
we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care