There are times when everyone feels stressed or unhappy. Generally these bad times pass, but sometimes there are problems that do not go away and things get harder and harder. One in four people can feel this way at some point in their life.
Talking about your problems can really help.
Time to Talk is part of a national programme called NHS Talking Therapies. It is for people with mild problems of anxiety or depression who are motivated to work to change the problem.
Our team of therapists are based in Eltham but can see patients at other centres throughout the Royal Borough of Greenwich.
Greenwich Time to Talk offers free psychological treatment as recommended by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines for anxiety and depression. This is mainly cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and counselling. We can help you learn ways to help yourself so that you feel more able to cope with your problems.
Greenwich Time to Talk offers support for people over 16 and we have no upper age limit. We also provide a specific service for 16 and 17 year olds. Our services are only for people who live in the borough of Greenwich.
Guided self-help, cognitive behavioural therapy and sometimes medication may help you to manage anxiety or stress better. Depending on your circumstances, you may benefit from one of these types of treatment or a combination.
Our services are only for people who live in the borough of Greenwich and are aged 16 and over.
Our services are suitable if you are suffering from depression, anxiety or other common mental health problems, or a long-term condition.
Our services are not suitable if you are actively suicidal and in need of crisis services, are severely substance dependent or already in touch with secondary care mental health services.
If you would like to refer yourself to our service, please complete our self-referral form.
Depending on the outcome of your self-assessment you will be provided with further information which can help you including the option to refer yourself to Greenwich Time to Talk if necessary.
Alternatively, you can call us on 020 3260 1100 and speak to a member of the Administration Team.
Please note that we are not an emergency service. In an emergency, please attend A&E or call 999.
If you need urgent mental health help now, please call the Oxleas 24-hour Mental Health Crisis Line: 0800 330 8590.
Doing therapy on-line via video call, is just like coming in to have your therapy session in ‘real time’ but without the hassle of leaving the comfort of your home or work place.
Besides the ease of use and the fact that it's free, one of the main appeals of video calling is that many of us are familiar with it and already use and like it.
You will need a good connection, sound and picture for video calling to work at its best.
Most sessions last 50-60 minutes and follow the same format as a face-to-face session. Appointments are booked to fit in with your commitments.
In order for the appointment to take place via video call, the Clinician will send out an email invite containing a link for you to join the appointment. Once you click the link it will temporarily install the software onto your machine and join you to the call. Once the call is finished the software will remove itself.
If you are using a phone or a tablet you will be given instructions by the therapist on how to download the relevant ‘app’ to enable you to join the call.
Opening times for appointments:
8am to 8pm (Monday to Thursday) and 8am to 5pm on Friday.
Floors 1 and 2
135-143 Eltham High Street
London SE9 1TJ
Tel (8am to 5pm): 020 3260 1100
Email address: oxl-tr.greenwichtimetotalk@nhs.net
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