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Anxiety, Depression, Affective disorders, Personality Disorders and Trauma (ADAPT) Service - Greenwich

  • The Greenwich ADAPT Service provides focused, therapeutic interventions to adults who require care and treatment for anxiety, depression, affective disorders, personality disorders and trauma.

    The service provides a broad range of flexible assessments, activities and interventions.

Our team

We are a multidisciplinary team. This means we are a group of professionals who specialise in different areas of medicine but work together to make decisions about how to care for patients. Our team includes:

  • Psychiatrists
  • Mental health nurses
  • Occupational therapists
  • Social workers
  • Psychologists
  • Lived experience practitioners
  • Employment advisors
  • Administration staff

How to access this service

To access this service, you must:

  • Live in the borough of Greenwich
  • Be aged 18 or above.

ADAPT will invite you to an initial assessment meeting to get to know you and understand your difficulties. We like to invite you and your family (or those who are important to you). This allows us to hear other perspectives as well as your own.

From there, we try to build a picture of what’s going on to think about how our service can help you. It is also a chance for you to think about whether our service is right for you.

After the initial meeting, we decide whether your needs can be met by our team. If not, we will direct you to an appropriate service to support you.

How to contact this service

Public phone number

Greenwich West: 0208 269 4110 or 0208 269 4111

Greenwich East: 0208 319 5500

Monday to Friday (9am - 5pm)

we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care

we are kind we are fair we listen we care