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The Adult ADHD Service provides an assessment, diagnostic and treatment service only to adults over the age of 18 who have a GP registered in Bexley, Bromley, or Greenwich.
We are a specialist team of professionals who work together with other Secondary Mental Health Services, Mental Health Hubs and GPs.
We aim to carry out ADHD assessments and provide treatment through medicine to our clients.
We offer:
The Adult ADHD Service provides an Assessment, Diagnostic and Treatment Service only to adults over the age of 18 with a GP registered in Bexley, Bromley, and Greenwich.
Referrals are to be made via your GP to one of our Mental Health Hubs within the borough where you live.
For adults requesting an assessment, they will need to be referred to their local Mental Health Hub via their GP. The Mental Heath Hub will then carry out a short triage to ensure there are no underlying mental health needs or issues. Once we receive the referral, we will send out screening tools such as a questionnaire to gather more information and the Wender Utah Rating Scale to carry out the screening process.
For adults requesting to try/restart medication who have a previous diagnosis, they can be referred via their GP, but we will require a full Diagnostic Report (if you were diagnosed by another trust or via a private psychiatrist), without a full diagnostic comprehensive report we will not be able to start treatment and will suggest you are added to our assessment waiting list.
The medication waiting list times also varies depending on borough but is usually around six months to be seen.
Annual review:
The Adult ADHD Service also offers an annual review if your GP would like a specialist opinion or review of their patient’s medication or if there are issues with dosing or symptoms.
Additional information:
We are not commissioned to offer ongoing support once diagnosis has been given and have commenced treatment apart from what is listed above.
Phone: 01689 892 300 option 4 or email on: oxl-tr.adultadhdreferrals@nhs.net for referrals or oxl-tr.adultadhdassessment@nhs.net for general enquiries.
The Adult ADHD Service is open Monday to Friday, 9am until 5pm. Please note we only offer appointments during those hours.
Referral information for General Practitioners:
Bexley: bexleycare.spc@nhs.net
Bromley: oxl-tr.referralsbromleywest@nhs.net
Greenwich: oxl-tr.referralspcpgreenwich@nhs.net
Please note we are not a crisis service. If you are in crisis, please contact the Oxleas Crisis Line on 0800 330 8590, call 999 or go to your local A&E Department.
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