I'm a Service User/Carer Governor representing service user and carer members who use our Bromley Adult Services. I've been a governor since 2020.
Having my own lived experience of enduring mental ill health, I know the management of it, by services, could be better.
I wanted to work in collaboration with Oxleas to help improve how service users in Bromley access mental health services, from the first point of contact, and ensure they do so without prejudice.
As a Governor, I enjoy being in a position where I have a stronger voice, to take part in shaping decisions about the quality of care we all receive and what happens to continuously improve services and the worker experience.
I have a certificate in Community Mental Health, a degree in Sociology and Psychology and am completing a postgraduate degree in Human Rights and Legal Practice.
I aspire to practice law and uplift the voice of people needing support from national services.
You can contact me by:
emailing oxl-tr.governors@nhs.net
or you can call the Trust Secretary's office on 01322 625752 - they will pass a message on to me.
you can also write to me c/o the Trust Secretary's Office, Pinewood House, Pinewood Place, Dartford DA2 7WG.
we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care