I'm a Service User/Carer Governor representing service user and carer members who use our Greenwich Adult Services. I've been a Governor since 2023.
My interest in becoming a Service User/Carer Governor arose from personal experience of previously being a service user. Oxleas provided excellent in-patient and out-patient community care, and I was often struck by the levels of compassion and dignity demonstrated by the majority of staff. Through this experience, I have developed a keen sense of the importance of promoting physical and mental health, and the need for NHS services to be shaped by service users. Working in my role as a Governor will hopefully aid in supporting those goals.
Having been a service user, I’m acutely aware that not all service users have similarly positive experiences and often feel unheard, unsupported, and unseen. I am looking forward to listening to and helping to voice service users’ and stakeholders’ concerns from the perspective of having ‘been there’. I hope by doing so I can play a part in promoting the needs and ideas of an often-marginalised group.
I have always enjoyed volunteering and currently also volunteer as an online ESOL tutor for Learn English at Home, working with refugees and asylum seekers and migrants who may face difficulties or barriers accessing community services, including health services. In the past, I have volunteered with organisations such as the human rights organisation, Liberty; the organisation Brightside, as a mentor for teenagers and young adults; and Young Minds, a charity supporting the mental health of children and young people.
My background is in Education and I currently work in higher education as a learning development tutor. I have a BSc in Management Studies, a Graduate Diploma in Law and a Master of Education.
You can contact me by:
emailing oxl-tr.governors@nhs.net
or you can call the Trust Secretary's office on 01322 625752 - they will pass a message on to me.
you can also write to me c/o the Trust Secretary's Office, Pinewood House, Pinewood Place, Dartford DA2 7WG.
we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care