I became a Public Governor representing our public members who live in the Greenwich borough in 2021.
I am passionate about giving back to my community and about access to high quality healthcare, affordably.
The best thing about being an Oxleas governor is being able to play my part to support the NHS and ask the important questions to the Board. I also now chair the membership committee to help continuously increase engagement.
In my professional life I have worked in business strategy, with a focus on life sciences and healthcare companies for nearly 12 years, before founding my own consultancy.
I have undertaken pro bono work for charities alongside my professional responsibilities throughout my career.
During the lockdown I completed the NHS Couch-to-5k running programme wihch led to me running my first 10k.
You can contact me by:
emailing oxl-tr.governors@nhs.net
or you can call the Trust Secretary's office on 01322 625752 - they will pass a message on to me.
you can also write to me c/o the Trust Secretary's Office, Pinewood House, Pinewood Place, Dartford DA2 7WG.
we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care